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Today's track is from the mostly unused score for 'You, Me and Dupree'.  Can you tell if this track was used?  If so, get back to me.



I created The Zen Effect as a sort of experiment. If swelling violins can make you feel hopeful, if sharp percussion and loud brass can excite you, if a strummed guitar can help you to feel tenderness -- why shouldn't there be music which, when heard, feels grounding?  Helps you focus?  Makes you... calm?  So, I set out to describe -- with sound -- what it feels like to meditate.  I've found that it helps me to break through creative blocks, to read without distraction, to smile through a long drive in horrible LA traffic, and to feel as if a long, boring journey took only half the time it should have.  Try it out.  Tell me what you think.  Let me know how you use it.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  



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